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Soldats d'Autrefois

Lucian Rousselot is best known for his famous series of uniform plates, L'Armée Française - ses uniformes, son armament, son équipement, published over a thirty year period between 1941 and 1971. This series of plates is considered one of the primary reference works on the French uniforms of the 1st Empire.

In the 1960’s, he created another set of excellent plates illustrating iconic units of French Napoleonic cavalry. Known as the "Soldats d'Autrefois", there are 4 booklets with 6 plates each and an accompanying 1 page text description (in French) enclosed in light cardboard folders. The plates are 18cm x 24cm and were published by Librarie Pierre Petitot, Paris:  

Series 1: Carabiniers 1805-1810 (1964)
Series 2: Hussards 1805-1814 (1965)
Series 3: Gardes d’Honneur 1813-1814 (1966)
Series 4: Mamelucks 1801-1814 (1970)